RTMP format of the output stream is used for publishing live content to RTMP servers. Many of social networks are using RTMP servers for publishing live content to it. This article explains how to create a live translation for Youtube with Noisypeak encoder.

YouTube setup

1. Login to your YouTube account. 

2. Click «Create a video or post» and then «Go Live».

3. Click «Stream» at the top of the page.

4. Enter a Title, Description (optional) and then click «Create stream».

5. Copy «Stream URL» and save somewhere. Copy «Stream name/key» and append to «Stream URL» to get full RTMP URL for the publishing point.

6. «Go Live» button will be disabled expecting to receive a stream from the encoder.

Setup Noisypeak and publishing

1. Login to the encoder's Web UI and setup a source (it can be any source IP, SDI, HDMI). How to setup the source you can read at the article Broadcasting from UDP multicast input to HLS output

2. Setup audio and video templates. Video template shall be single-bitrate up to 5Mb/s. How to setup the templates you can read at the article Broadcasting from UDP multicast input to HLS output

3. Go to "Output streams" menu and click "Add New Output Stream". Create an output stream with the output format RTMP and to the «Output» field copy RTMP URL saved at step 5 in previous chapter.

4. Start the source at the «Source» page.

5. When the channel will be running, the button in Youtube Live control panel «Go Live» will have the enabled state. Click it.

6. Enjoy your Youtube live translation.