The overlay feature applies digital on-screen graphics to the source stream. Noisypeak encoder supports four types of overlay: image, video, text or subtitles. The overlay is applied to the source stream before the transcoding process.

Image overlay

Image overlay usually used for a logotype inserting. To setup an image overlay expand "Advanced Source Settings" in a source edit mode and check the "Overlay" checkbox. Set the following parameters:

  • Overlay position – position in pixels relative to input stream resolution from left bottom corner

  • Overlay size – overlay size in pixels relative to input stream resolution (usually the size of the image)

  • Overlay type – image

  • Image overlay source – the path at the local filesystem or URL to overlay

  • Luma only Composition – allow to get transparent background for contrast pictures

Click "Save" to finish the source editing. Create an output stream and start the source. Check the overlay displaying. Edit position or/and size parameter if needed.


Text overlay

First, you should prepare in any text editor a multistring text file which will be used as a source for the overlay. Every line in the file will be displayed one by one.

Set the following parameters:

  • Overlay position – position in pixels relative to input stream resolution from left bottom corner

  • Overlay size – overlay size in pixels relative to input stream resolution (usually the size of the image)

  • Overlay type - text

  • Flipping interval - how long each line in the text file will be displayed in seconds

  • Font size - font size in pixels

Click "Save" to finish the source editing. Create an output stream and start the source. Check the overlay displaying. Edit overlay parameters if needed.

Subs overlay

If you want to have DVB graphical subtitles at the output, the only way to do that, to burn them to the video content using overlay.

First, setup the source parameters and click "Scan for available services" to get all services and tracks. Choose "Service ID", video and audio PIDs from drop-down lists. Select subtitles track for the "Data Track" field

Set the following parameters for the overlay:

  • Overlay position – 0x0

  • Overlay size – use the source signal resolution to have the subs rendered in full scale, for example, 720x576 for SD or 1920x1080 for FullHD

  • Overlay type - subs

  • Luma-only composition - Enabled

Click "Save" to finish the source editing. Create an output stream and start the source. Check the overlay displaying.

Video overlay

Video overlay allows to apply video from one source to another source. It is used usually for creating picture in picture effect.

First, setup a source, which will be used for video overlay. Crete an output for the source and run it.

You can apply video form any encoding source to another source.

For the channel with video overlay in the source settings set the following parameters:

  • Overlay position – position in pixels relative to input stream resolution from left bottom corner where video overlay will be located

  • Overlay size – size of video overlay in pixels relative to input stream resolution

  • Overlay type - video

  • Video overlay source - select video a source from drop-down list


Click "Save" to finish the source editing. Create an output stream and start the source. Check the overlay displaying.